Transport and Storage Economics of CCS by Daniel Loeve and Filip Neele

From April to December 2012 a project team consisting of the CATO- 2 (TNO, ECOFYS) and the Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) evaluated the economics of alternative transport and storage options in the North Sea on the basis of common user infrastructure. The primary objective of this project was to provide a “planning tool” to form a common view of the economics and financial risks (e.g. oversizing of pipelines, governmental subsidies) of a set of CO2 transport and offshore storage initiatives supporting the first large-scale demonstration and early commercial scale projects in Rotterdam and Eemshaven on a shared basis, as well as possible financing structures for each. This will provide a basis for engaging with potential participants in a CCS network and with government and other key stakeholders on formulating a national or regional plan to address these complex issues. This report considered the analysis of 29 Transport & Storage scenarios likely to support capture projects in the Rotterdam and the Eemshaven (North Netherlands) in the short (2015+) to medium term. These were based on two storage sites in the Dutch Continental Shelf (P18/P15 depleted gas field and Q1 aquifer) and an EOR opportunity in Denmark (Dan Oilfield).