CATO Program Office
The Program Office is responsible for the daily management and overall coordination of the CATO-R&D programme. It serves as the main interface between involved Parties and the Dutch Government. The office acts upon all critical issues and inhibiting activities and addresses those undertaking such activities, to ensure that all required actions are being taken.
Other responsibilities of the Program Office concerns technical management, financial, legal and administrative management and internal and external communication regarding CCUS in general and the program in specific e.g. project dissemination and reporting. The Programme Office is headed by the Programme Director.
Contact persons
- Programme Director: Brigitte Jacobs
- Project Manager: Elisa Calignano
- Project Management Support: Geeke Wiltink
Program Office CATO
p/a TNO
Princetonlaan 6
Postbus 80015
3508 TA Utrecht